Mid-week scribbles . . .

scribbles-8b Now I don’t want to go all “Andy Rooney” on ya but . . .

Have you looked for a new winter coat this year? There are some great sales out there, but why is it that so many of the coats have a ratty-looking tangle of fake fur trim? Not necessary and definitely not attractive!

Next, under the heading: “Do as I say, not as I do.” If you’ve brought home something new, eliminate an old item. If only I’d follow my own advice, my closet wouldn’t be bulging with things I never wear! Maybe I should think of it as a game of rummy – yes! – choose a new card from the deck and then discard!

I had to laugh when I woke up this morning, saw it was cloudy, and my first thought was “Oh good! I can get some nice bead photos!!” It struck me as weird that I could ever think such a thing because I’m just crazy about bright sunshine! I love the way it streams in the windows on clear winter days, and makes the whole house super bright! So, after years of tolerating dreary days, it’s fun to know I now have a reason to be happy about them. Taking pictures of beads and jewelry is so much easier on a cloudy day!

Finally . . . While trying to decide what to have for supper tonight, I remembered something my mother often said: “If you serve some good bread and a nice dessert along with the dinner, even leftovers will seem like a great meal!” She was right. 🙂 Try it!
