Autumn Colors

This year, summer has been kind of reluctant to leave New England . . .

But now that it’s October – autumn is insisting that she go. The nights are chillier and the leaves more colorful with every passing day.
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Sir Beads and I are immersed in the usual end-of-summer chores:

    *Fall cleaning…
    *Removing fans and air conditioners…
    *Adjusting storm windows..
    *Adding fluffy blankets to the bed…

And reacquainting ourselves with the delights of the fall season:

    *Baking! (Or as I like to call it, “reclaiming the oven now that a hot kitchen feels cozy instead of miserable.”)
    *Leaf peeping! (It appears to be a banner year for foliage, here.)
    *Fall decorating! (Not as much as we used to – but I still love pumpkins, pilgrims, and an autumn-y front door.)
    *Choosing yarn! (for projects to crochet during winter evenings).

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As a beader, I love to design jewelry for every season, and right now our bead shop is chock full of fall-themed beads and findings!

Here are just a few:


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How is Fall going in your neck of the woods?



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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