Breathing Space

snowman8Have you ever taken a flight on an airplane or even a long trip in a car, and when it was over – you still had that sense of motion? You know; things still seemed to be “moving”?

I often have a similar feeling after Christmas. All of a sudden, I will find myself thinking that I need to wrap a gift, or check on something in the oven, or consult my Christmas to-do list to see if I’ve forgotten anything.

Of course, it’s a false alarm – Christmas is over. I’ve finished everything that I had to do. But somehow, my adrenaline is still pumping – I’m still in rush mode. It’s a bit unnerving!

Within a second or two, it quickly hits me that all IS well . . . there’s nothing crucial that needs my attention.

I breathe a deep relaxing sigh.

Over the years, I’ve discovered that there’s a special kind of serenity that gradually arrives after the holidays. With it comes an opportunity to dream, to plan, and to savor some blessed moments of rest – after a month that’s been merry but also quite hectic.

I think the days between Christmas and New Year’s can be some of the nicest of the year. The house is usually all aglow; there’s good food in the cupboard, and even a gift (or two) to relish. But best of all, there’s that peaceful lull that I mentioned . . .

Let’s enjoy it! 😀
