Have Some Tea with Me?


Hi Kids 🙂
I’m taking a “tea-break” so I thought I’d stop by to see what you are up to.

Are you relaxing, with your feet up, yet?

I didn’t think so.

Here, we’ve been immersed in shopping, cleaning, wrapping, cooking, and decorating. And, just in case I get too caught up in all this lovely Christmas reverie…. there’s the ever-present hamper of laundry to bring me back to earth (and also prevent me from getting too cozy in a chair just yet!) 😉

Would you like to see two of my favorite/most cherished ornaments?

This little angel was made for me by a very dear friend, many years ago.

crochet angel1

It’s crocheted with thread and is so very delicate in person. Maureen spent hours with a very tiny crochet hook to create this treasure for me. I remember the moment I opened the package and caught a glimpse of it amidst the layers of tissue paper wrappings. I was overcome with tears of joy and appreciation.


This next little fella is 38 years old! Sir Beads-A-Lot and I bought him in 1971 for our first Christmas as husband and wife.


In those days, unusual ornaments such as this were not widely available. The concept of buying a single “special ornament” was just coming into vogue. Most of us bought ornaments by the box – usually a dozen glass (or satin) balls, or ovals with pointed ends. Even Hallmark wasn’t selling special ornaments at that time! It wouldn’t be until 1973, that they’d introduce their first collection of Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments (12 yarn figures and six glass balls).

We were lucky to find “Mickey Mouse” at a Christmas Shoppe in downtown Boston one blustery winter day. “Mickey” is special because he was unusual for his era, but mostly because he symbolizes our first Christmas together, and our first year of decorating a home together. You can imagine how carefully I pack him away after the holidays are over each year. 😉

Oh darn, my tea is all gone – I need to get back to being an elf! It was so nice chatting with you, though! What are you doing today? I’d love to hear what’s up in your corner of the world. (Please tell me that I’m not the only one with lots to finish before the 25th.)

Hugs for all,
