A Little Lurker Love

One thing is for sure . . .

I’m incredibly fortunate to have a terrific group of regular commenters here on the blog, but sometimes a girl wants to know just how many are out there enjoying silently suffering through the stuff she blabs on and on about – day after day. 😉

If you are a reader but not a commenter, may I ask a favor?

Would you please send a quick email to:

crystal at beadhappilyeverafter dot com

You don’t have to write a long message, you can just say: “I read your blog.”

(Please note: Your email address will not be used for advertising purposes nor shared with anyone else, period!)


And now a little news from the beading front . . .

I seem to be on an earring kick, these days.

Here are the latest.



Friday Favorites

This week’s Friday Favorites is dedicated to all of you!


Happy Valentine’s Day to the brightest, funniest, sweetest bunch of readers that any blogger could ask for!


In the few short months I’ve been doing this blog, you all have added so much! You’ve inspired me, made me laugh (even had me close to spitting tea on the monitor now and then!), but most of all you’ve touched my heart with your warm responses.

If I could make one of these little conversation hearts for ya, it would say – U R Gr8

Have a lovely day on Saturday. Do something nice for yourself, ok?

See you Monday for the new questions! 🙂
