Before I became a bead seller, I was a bead customer! 🙂
As a customer, I’d occasionally receive free beads with my order but – more often than not – they were disappointing.
It usually seemed obvious that these “free” beads were “seconds”, or were the leftover styles and colors that hadn’t sold.
I used to think: “Why bother? I don’t need the rejects. It would be so much nicer to receive a little gift I could actually use.”
Once I became a bead seller, myself, those early experiences served me well. They helped me to formulate my own policies for appreciating my customers.
If you’ve ever shopped with me, you know I LOVE to include a sample of our beads with every order. It’s fun for me to select something I think you might enjoy!
How do I decide which beads? Well, sometimes, I have a new item in stock that I am excited for you to see. Other times, I look for a clue to your preferences in the beads you’ve just purchased! 🙂
It’s always a special treat for me to see what you eventually create with our beads. Recently, a customer sent me photos of jewelry she made with a sample of these beads, which I had tucked inside her order. . .
She tells me that she has fallen in in love with Vintage Lucite Beads and I can totally understand . . .
In her own words:
“I love vintage plastic beads because they are lightweight and durable. The designs are striking and the colors are vibrant, which makes these 40+-year-old beads a pleasure to work with. I have to hide them from my kids (ages 1.5 and 3.5) because they are convinced I have boxes full of candy!”
Be sure to stop by and take a peek at AvocadoEggroll’s delightful jewelry shop!
You can find it by clicking here.