Friday Favorites

This week’s Friday Favorites features a glorious painting –

“Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose” by John Singer Sargent.

After the harsh winter that many of us have been through, I thought we might need a gentle reminder that the flowers will return eventually!


This painting of two young girls lighting lanterns in an English garden is considered by many to be Sargent’s masterpiece. His desire was to capture the garden at the end of the day, when the twilight made the flowers glow as if they were lit from within – much like the paper lanterns strewn among them.

Enjoy the weekend! See ya Monday with new questions! 🙂


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Friday Favorites — 5 Comments

  1. Oh Crissy, this picture is so you.

    When I think of spring arriving I am longing for the BOLD colors of purple, orange and red. I can’t wait to see my hybiscus and day lillies. I want to watch my frogs sitting on the side of the pond. Maybe I mentally bypass spring and wish right into summer!’

    Anyway, lets hope it comes early this year. I am sick of snow, which BTW is in our forecast for today.

  2. Spring, Oh I can’t wait for spring.
    Tulips and Daffodils galore
    Baby Birds tweeting outside my door.
    Sunshine, warmer days, I love that Spring is in the air.
    I live in chilly Ohio, 8 degrees when I woke up this morning. Weather man is saying 60 by the weekend. Yeah!!!!
    Spring, Spring, Spring me from winter please

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