You Couldn’t Pay Me

Good old Goldilocks was the original “fussy eater”.

I, on the other hand, have always been fairly adventurous when it comes to trying new foods. I even love all vegetables – including spinach and parsnips. It’s true! πŸ™‚

But there are a few things you couldn’t PAY me to eat, and they are:

Bleu Cheese

What’s on your “I won’t eat that!” list?




You Couldn’t Pay Me — 13 Comments

  1. Bleu Cheese, Raw Oysters (I like them fried), cream of wheat, any meat with a sweet sauce or glaze on it, cooked spinach, all onions, mushrooms, french dressing,sweet potatoes, and corn chowder.

    Is anyone else getting cabin fever? School has been closed and it is bitter cold. This weather is not fit for man or beast. Everybody stay safe and warm.

  2. Well NOT olives!!!! What’s wrong with olives? You won’t even eat the BLACK ones?

    And I know you missed turtle. I KNOW you won’t eat turtle! What about SQUIRREL? You BETTER not be eatin them little guys! I think you have a totally incomplete list here Crissie! I bet there are a whole lot more stuff you won’t eat.

    Being Polish and raised by a traditional Polish food cooking mom, I can tell you that there are quite a few things that I never want to eat again and wish I never ate them THEN!

    But I don’t have to worry too much about that now. I won’t get new teeth until April so until then I am enjoying a lot of soup! Which is a good thing now that we have YOUR kind of weather.

    Stay warm
    xx, Carol

  3. Crystal, I like all of your unfavorites!
    I am a vegetarian, so I don’t eat meat (only fish). Sometimes, though, I will smell some meat and think, “That smells good.” (Usually something like BBQ that has a distinct good, smell, or a steak on the grill)
    I detest chicken and always have. I never cook chicken for my family, the smell of it makes me sick. My dad is the same way, he hates all poultry and we never ate it growing up.
    I also don’t like eggs, unless they are deviled or in egg salad. The thought of runny yolk creeps me out. πŸ™
    Broccoli and sweet potatoes are the only 2 veggies that I won’t eat. I love brussels sprouts and all greens.
    I also do not like milk as a beverage. My husband and daughter are both lactose intolerant (Robert seems to be ok so far), so I am not sure what we buy for milk actually counts as milk! Lactose free, fat free; I am not sure what it actually is! πŸ™‚ White colored water? I will eat it with cereal, though.

  4. Well i’ll try most foods once and sometimes i’ve found i dont like something cooked one way but im ok cooked in another way.Of course my hubby is arabic so thats broadened my food habits.The only thing so far i wont even try is raw meat like steak tartare,theres an arabic version too but i cant remember the name.I like my meat to be well cooked or really really dead as hubby jokes πŸ™‚

  5. Nope, Carol, not even the black olives. . .
    I’ve tried a few times – figuring that taste buds change over the years, but I guess not in the case of olives! lol

  6. Michelle,
    I know just what you mean about trying things cooked in different ways. It’s amazing how something can taste so much better if it’s cooked for a longer/shorter time, or if the accompanying ingredients are changed slightly! πŸ™‚

  7. Allison,
    I’m with you on the runny yolk – awful!!! – but I love eggs, otherwise.
    Because it’s so healthy, my aunt finally got my uncle to eat broccoli by serving it with a small dish of apple butter – for a dip! It became his favorite vegetable! lol

  8. This is a fun question!

    First, I’m going to comment on your list. When I was younger, my father and I ate sardines with mustard, and now the thought repulses me. Olives are good! I LOVE blue cheese. I put the crumbly in salads and love dipping my French fries in the dressing.

    As for me, I will not touch tapioca (the texture and sight of it repulses me), fatty meats (I don’t like looking at fat on meat), liver, clam chowder, and cherry tomatoes (don’t like the squishy insides). I will not eat raw clams, oysters, squid, calamari, scallops, and anchovies (they have hairs on them!). That’s all that comes to mind, but I’m sure there’s more.

  9. Great list, Yona!!! πŸ™‚

    Even though I am not a bleu cheese fan, Sir Beads LOVES it!!! I guess opposites do attract. LOL

  10. Foods that I have eaten but don’t really like too much:
    squid, escargot, raw fish, okra, grits, turtle, frog legs, squirrel, rabbit, milk, liver,
    tapioca, and anchovies.

    (I love olives of all kinds)

  11. Darn Crystal…we’re so similar in so many ways, but I LOVE black olives, and blue cheese. They’re really yummy together too! hee hee hee! (I’m going to post my blue cheese dressing recipe one of these days…I’ll warn you first!)

    I won’t eat meat!

    xoxo Paulette πŸ™‚

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