Friday Favorites

Today, I have a quote that I really should print and stick on my refrigerator! ๐Ÿ™‚

โ€œThe time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.โ€

~Bertrand Russell


Sometimes at the end of a long day, when I haven’t finished as much as I’d planned, instead of feeling down about it, I need to remind myself – it’s ok.

Getting sidetracked can be a good thing – if you’re having fun in the process!

So Kids, have a great weekend, and don’t be afraid to waste a little time. ๐Ÿ˜‰

See you Monday!




Friday Favorites — 8 Comments

  1. I love that quote, I believe as women we sometimes feel the need to accomplish so much in a day that we feel guilty if we don’t. I’m rewarding myself with a pedicure tomorrow so my toes will look good this weekend. I won a Visa gift card and I’m spending it on myself this time.
    Since I’m a night owl I will be able to enter some more contests, and hopefully I can win a few.
    Have a great weekend everyone and please take some time to enjoy yourselves.

  2. When I was younger, I had to be busy ALL the time. Terry would always say “Can’t you JUST sit down and watch TV?” Nope, had to be up and down, tending to laundry and whatever else I thought of.

    Now, I have slowed down. Terry and I are always talking about how we used to get so much more done. Analizing why we don’t anymore was pretty eye opening. We spend a lot of time watching the birds, fish, frogs and other critters that we have attracted to our yard. But, isn’t that WHY we put in a HUGE pond? Feed the birds? Attract squirrels with peanut butter sandwiches?

    So, yes, enjoy the time you spend “wasting” a minute or an hour. Its the Universe’s way of telling you to slow down and appreciate you life.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Go ahead, waste some time!
    xx, Carol

  3. I love that quote but I’m afraid it would give me permission to procrastinate (when it comes to housework or paper work) even more than I already do.
    Heading up to the Hampton Beach area to do some ‘thrift shopping’ with my daughter in law and good friend who lives there. Sunday will be a big dinner day at my house. Fun – there’ll be 11 of us.

  4. i totally agree….this is a GREAT quote, and so true!!! and sticking it to the fridge is a great idea….especially since i always seem to be opening the door to pull some kind of high caloric/high fat item out to stick in my mouth…..

    here’s to wasting time! have a great weekend, sweetie pie!! xox, :))

  5. Thanks for the reminder about wasting time.
    I’ll try and remember that in between the two
    new jobs I have just started working at!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Have a good weekend.

  6. I often have to remind myself to slow down and take it easy – I’m much better at stressing myself over the little things though!

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