
For you . . . — 15 Comments

  1. Happy weekend to you too, sweet Crystal! … I love your “blog-card”!
    xoxo Paulette πŸ˜‰

  2. Dear Crystal:

    Violets are my fav-o-ITE
    and, my friend, you are

    Love, Carol

    BTW, I swiped your violet pic!!

  3. Happy Weekend to you too. I hope you are having the wonderful weather we are. Thank you for the spring e-card.

  4. Pretty flowers. I know they like the April showers. Do you think the rain will hurt the rhubarb??? Where did that expression come from anyway? Have a fun weekend.

  5. Re: “Do you think the rain will hurt the rhubarb???”

    Not if it’s in cans! πŸ˜‰

    Thanks, Nancy, for asking this – it gives me a good idea for a future topic!!!


  6. and wishing you a happy weekend too! thank you for the lovely blog-card!
    (and i’ve bragged a bit about you over at my blog today…..). :))

  7. Happy Weekend, half over now lol but I hope you are having a good one, going shopping for house goodies tomorrow. πŸ™‚

  8. Thanks and back to you.
    Nicely done “blog-card”.
    You are quite good at all
    the different ways to use
    a computer :), :), :>.

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