Have I told you lately that you are wonderful?
Thanks so much for the sweet “welcome back” messages in yesterday’s comments! π
Remember that I mentioned I was going to mix a few “summer re-runs” in with new posts during July and August?
I’ll still be here every day writing new posts for Mondays and Thurdays, and also selecting some of my past favorites for the other weekdays. I’ll be responding to email as usual, and trying to answer your comments individually, when time permits!
I know you’ll be enjoying breaks for vacation, and your gardens, and cookouts, and days at the beach or pool! I hope you’ll keep checking back whenever you have time to see what I have waiting here for your perusal! π

Today, I have one of my earlier posts on the ins and outs of consignment. Although I wrote it from the perspective of a person who makes jewelry – it would apply for any other craft! Even if you are not crafty, you might still like to sell household items at a consignment shop! The rules are the same.
Hey . . . didn’t I say that I wasn’t writing a post today? This is pretty verbose for a “non”-post!
Guess I’m wordy, even when I’m trying not to be! π
Click here to read: Is Consignment For You?