Gone too Soon . . .

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.

~Thomas Campbell

Dear Kids,

The blogosphere is a little quieter now. . .

A sweet and witty dynamo of a woman has suddenly left us.
There’s a void in the blog world that will be difficult to fill.

Her name was Donna. She was a frequent commenter here and I will miss her terribly. How fortunate I was to have called her friend. You may remember her as “don_mae”.

She retired 6 years ago and began to write a blog. Her plan was to learn a new craft or creative technique each month and then publish posts highlighting her progress. She called it: This Year’s Dozen.

Don_Mae Quilt

And what a wonderful ride the last 6 years have been for her readers! You see, Donna was an absolutely fearless crafter. She would tackle each new project systematically and never give up – even when it wasn’t going well. In that case, she would just start all over again and keep plugging until she had mastered it. Her patience was truly an inspiration.

One of Donna's Macrame Purses

One of Donna’s Macrame Purses

I remember when she first tried to crochet. It was tough going in the beginning but she forged ahead. She practiced for weeks and by the time she was done, she was designing her own fashion accessories and creating brand new patterns! I’ve always had a feeling that somewhere out there is a dictionary with a picture of Donna next to my favorite word –


During the years she wrote her blog, she became proficient in jewelry-making, crocheting, quilting, and her first love, macramé – to name but a few. Her posts were full of eye candy photos that showcased her work. It was continually amazing to see just how many beautiful items she created. I used to tease her that I was exhausted just viewing everything she made.

Donna_Mae Pillowcases

She had a wonderful sense of humor and a very kind heart. She made scores of children’s pillowcases from colorful kid-themed fabrics and donated them to charity on a regular basis.

Donna could truly do it all. She was a crafter, a writer, and a photographer – generous with her knowledge and ideas. She loved to shop and had a 6th sense for a good bargain. She loved movies, fashion, and her Titanic collection! She liked to recycle and was incredibly clever at coming up with creative uses for things we often throw away. In short, she was a force of nature – I just can’t believe she is gone . . .

Donna_Mae Parure

When I entered the blog world 5 years ago, I had no idea that someone I never actually met, whose voice I never heard, could etch such an imprint on my heart.

The Internet can certainly be a wonderful thing. It allows us to share a piece of ourselves with people we might not otherwise have had the chance to know, to learn from, or to love.

Goodnight, dear don_mae.
Gone too soon . . . but, oh, the lives you touched while here!


I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

A Case of Start-itis

Ok, I’ll admit it . . .

I have a bad case of start-itis!

I often have several creative projects “simmering” at the same time.

Perhaps, it’s a character flaw?
Oh but I’d much rather believe I’m . . . uhm . . . artistically ambitious!

(LOL, doesn’t that sound like I’m trying to justify bad behavior!)


I’ve always envied people who begin one thing and have the
stick-to-it-iveness to completely finish it before beginning something else. Not me, though! I might be crocheting a hat, making a bead-woven necklace, and designing a Christmas card – all at the same time. I guess I just like the excitement of seeing several things in the works.

They do eventually get finished — really!

This lacey crocheted baby hat was such fun to make.

(click to enlarge)

It was tough to get a realistic photo because I had to have it flat on the table, but I think you can imagine it looking a little rounder when worn.

The pattern was for just a plain hat, which somehow seemed too floppy. I decided to tack part of the brim to the crown, and then embellish it with the crocheted rose and leaf.


That’s all for now, Kids . . .

I have this necklace waiting for more attention. 😉

(Do you have start-itis?)



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Bead Play and Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago, I promised there would soon be a Jewelry Design Reveal and a chance to enter a very special Giveaway . . .

Well, today’s the day! 😀

My dear friend, Brenda, (of Brenda’s Jewellry Box) agreed to choose some Bead Happily Ever After beads and use them to create an original design – or two!


Here are the beads she chose.


And just look at the fabulous, shoulder-duster earrings she created!
(I love her use of wire on these.)


And she made an adorable anklet, as well!


And now the best part!!!

Brenda is generously sponsoring a GIVEAWAY of these beautiful designs and it’s going on right now!

Fingers crossed that one of you is a lucky winner!
Hurry! Visit Brenda’s blog to find out how to enter.



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Door Decor

I love the look of a home with a decorated front door.

It’s not only attractive – it’s an expression of “Welcome”, too.

Have you ever seen something really creative and then asked yourself:

“Why didn’t I think of that?”

I sure have. Here, let me show you my latest example . . .


Wouldn’t this be a fun way to greet your summertime guests?

A length of hose, some garden gloves, a few flowers, and a little bird combine to make a unique and very charming wreath!

All credit goes to Amy (and her Mom). You’ll find a short tutorial for putting this wreath together on her blog.



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Future Fun and a Surprise!

Several weeks ago, I asked one of my favorite jewelry designers if she’d like to choose some beads from my shop to make a design that I would feature here on the blog. To my delight, she graciously accepted the challenge and I sent her the beads!

I must add that this designer is also a very dear friend – so thoughtful and incredibly generous with her time and knowledge. Her name is Brenda (of BrendasJewelleryBox) and she creates wonderfully unique pieces. What I most admire about her work is her continual quest to implement new techniques. She’s truly an inspiration. Here are some examples of her art.


In the near future, Brenda will be sending me photos of the finished pieces she has made with my beads and I’ll share her beautiful results right here as soon as I get them.

BUT there is also a SURPRISE! 😀
Brenda plans to have a GIVEAWAY of those finished pieces on her blog and you’ll all be invited to enter for your chance to win! (The details will be announced when the jewelry is complete.)

In the meantime, would you like to see the beads she has chosen to work with? Ok then, hurry on over to her blog!


Til next time . . .



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀