Easy Summer Recipe

cook_book We’re bound to have a few more hazy, hot, and humid days before autumn arrives.

And since nobody feels like getting too close to the stove on a steamy day; how about one more cool and delicious summer supper recipe? 🙂


Shrimp Salad with Fruit

· 1 pound cooked shrimp – fresh or frozen
· 2 cups diced fresh red apples
· 2 cups diced fresh pears
· 1 cup thinly sliced celery
· 1/2 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
· 2 tablespoons milk
· 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
· 2 teaspoons grated onion
· 1 teaspoon salt
· salad greens
· paprika

Thaw shrimp if frozen. Cut large shrimp in half. Place the shrimp, pears, apples and celery in a large bowl. Combine mayonnaise, milk, vinegar, onion and salt; mix well.
Pour over shrimp mixture and toss lightly. Chill for at least 30 minutes.
Serve on salad greens. Sprinkle with paprika. 6 servings.

VARIATION: Substitute two cups diced fresh pineapple for the two cups of diced pears. Chill salad and dressing separately, then add dressing to shrimp mixture just before serving; toss lightly. Serve in fresh pineapple shells or in lettuce cups.
