I’m getting nervous . . .

christmas-calendarIs it just me? Is anyone else feeling that the holidays are coming too fast? I don’t want to scare anybody . . . but do you realize there are only about TEN weeks until Christmas!

santasurfEvery year I promise myself that I’ll start my holiday preparations EARLY! I mean why couldn’t I write Christmas cards in the summer? No reason! That way I’d have time to write a personal note on them, which is something I really like to do, but I can’t when I’m pressed for time.

And I could certainly begin the following year’s gift shopping in January. After all, my money would go so much further with all those after-Christmas sales.


Cookie baking could begin in October. I could freeze them. It would be so nice to make a dozen different kinds for once!

giftsThen there’s wrapping – I love wrapping!!!! I get pretty worn out when I have to do it all at once, though. What if I wrapped each item as I bought it?

“Ok Crystal . . . Take a deep breath!

Ten weeks is reasonable.

Make a to-do list.
Break it into weekly goals.
Enlist help from the family.
Remember it’s supposed to be fun.
Eliminate the unnecessary tasks.
Take time to stop and smell the roses Christmas tree.

Whew! I feel better, now. Thanks for listening! 😉

What do you do to avoid holiday stress?
