Giveaway – Winter Pines Earrings

ThanksgirlturkeyGreetings and welcome to Week 54 of my weekly giveaways! If you’re visiting for the first time, it’s very nice to “meet” you. If you’re one of my regular readers, thank you for returning often – you’re practically part of the family now!

Have you started your holiday shopping yet? I’ve crossed a few things off my list, but I’ve decided to enjoy Thanksgiving before I do too much more. I have to remind myself to enjoy each holiday, so for the next few days, my plan is to stop and smell the roses pumpkin pie! πŸ˜€

This week I have a pair of earrings that are a wintry forest green. Their shape and color remind me of pine needles so β€œWinter Pines” seemed to be the perfect name for them.


They feature two different kinds of vintage beads! The “drops” are Vintage Moonglow Lucite with a lovely, soft shimmer on their surface. I’ve accented the drops with glittering Olivine Aurora Borealis faceted rounds – which are Vintage German Glass. For pierced ears, these earrings measure just over 2 inches in length including the sterling silver earwires.

Contest Rules and How To Enter

This week, you will have up to four (4) chances to enter the weekly giveaway.

You can choose any or all of the following 4 ways to enter:

1st Chance:

Leave a comment answering the first weekly question:

Since Thanksgiving is almost here, how about a funny question? Butternut squash – love it or hate it? πŸ˜‰

2nd Chance:

Leave a comment answering the second weekly question:

Tell us a little about the things for which you are thankful! πŸ™‚

3rd Chance:

Subscribe to this blog (See the orange RSS β€œSubscribe” button on the right side of this page). Then leave a comment here, saying that you have subscribed! (If you are already a subscriber – you only need to leave a comment saying so! πŸ™‚ )

4th Chance:

Visit again another day this week and leave a comment on any other post except this one. You do not have to tell me that you left a “comment” on another post. The blog program shows me all of the “comments” as they come in – so I do not miss any of them, and all will count to be entered into the drawing! πŸ˜€

The Boring Stuff . . .
You must be 18 yrs. old. After the completion of the contest, the name of the winner will be listed here. The winner will also be notified by email. If no valid email address is given at time of entry, or if winner fails to respond to email within 3 days from the time notification email has been sent, the win will be null and void and a new winner will be chosen. The prize will be mailed by USPS First Class Mail.

All entries must be received by 9:00 p.m. EST on 11/29/09, and the winner will be selected on or about 11/30/09.



Giveaway – Winter Pines Earrings — 112 Comments

  1. Butternut squash, along with pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and cooked carrots, is the Enemy. I am horribly allergic to orange foods (except oranges and such, weirdly), and resent the heck out of their dominance of this otherwise festive season.

    Fortunately, I am Texan, and can easily substitute pecan pie at the family dinners without raising eyebrows. But you keep that dang yellowbelly squash away!:D

  2. I am, ever and always, thankful for the internet and all its denizens. We’ve made a whole world out here in the ether– it’s so exciting!

    I’m thankful for the little cold snap we’ve had here– finally, I feel like it’s holiday time! I don’t like being cold, but I can’t get into the spirit of things if I’m not even having to wear socks!

    Along with that, I’m thankful for warm blankets and warm cats– they make cold weather so much more festive.

  3. I never met a squash I didn’t like. I am particular to acorn squash though. My absolute favorite since I was a little girl. No one else in my house likes it. Too bad for them.

  4. Funny, seems funny to make a list of things I am thankful for. I wouldn’t want to leave anything out. You know me…find the good in everything.

    I am NOT thankful Terry has RA, but I AM thankful that its not worse than it is. (Notice how all things start with Terry for me……)

    So, I could make a list, its all degrees of Terry. I am thankful that I think life is good.

  5. Hi CRystal!!!! I’m hear again! Well I didn’t go to the giveaway but I found it… and the earrings are so beauiful!!!

    1. I don’t know what’s Butternut squash but if someone invite me I’m sure I like it!!!
    2. I am thankful for my family, for health and… for knowing so nice people in the bloggesphere!!!!
    3. Suscribed!
    4. I’ll return!!!!!!

    Hugs and kisses!!!!!

  6. I LOVE it! Cascadian Farms sells it ready to heat and eat in the frozen section. Heat it, put a little nutmeg and or dill on it, and some butter and you’re good to go! Did I say share the multi-serving package? NO! It’s all mine!
    (I’ll bet you didn’t expect such a passionate answer!)

  7. Life! And all of the good, bad and ugly that comes with it.
    I have learned that what doesn’t kill me, only makes me stronger…..

  8. Hi Sweetie! Such pretty earrings! I love those olivine crystals, ooooh ooh! … and so perfect for the holidays!!!

    I love butternut squash. I just read an article about how very healthy it is for you, which is an added plus! πŸ˜‰

  9. #1 butternut squash – love it! on the condition that it’s cooked, of course. i hate the raw smell when you cut it open, i hate the stringy bits on the inside with all the seeds, and i hate chopping it up because it’s so tough. but it’s amazing roasted, and put in soup and pureed!

  10. #2 simply for grace, that i am alive and breathing, because i know i don’t deserve it. πŸ™‚

  11. I’m thankful for my family, my job, and life in general. I’m also thankful that it’s Thanksgiving this week and as such only a three-day work-week πŸ˜‰

  12. I have never liked any kind of squash! I don’t know why but it makes me gag! Thanks for the chance for the beautiful earrings.

  13. I am thankful for all of my family and friends. I’m glad we live in a country with freedoms. When we see what is going on in a lot of other countries we should be so very thankful we are here!! We all need to be thankful for all our soldiers helping us keep our freedom.

  14. I am grateful to live in the US where you can win a pair of earrings just for sending a comment.

  15. Butternut squash? Just a little. I am saving room for mashed potatoes, my favorite part of the Thanksgiving feast.

  16. What am I thankful for? I don’t have enough space to list everything… wonderful husband, healthy happy children, my health, my father, a warm clean home, fresh clean water and good food, temperate climate, cute furry pets, a clear mind, service people in distant lands protecting us, and too many great friends and relatives to list by name…

  17. Great giveaway I love the earrings. I love butternut squash especially butternut squash soup.Thanks for the lovely giveaway.Marian

  18. I’m not really into squash, or squash like things, like zuccinis. Are zuccinis squash-like? I’m not really sure, but I don’t like them either. Unless they are baked into something like pumpkin pie, or pumpkin bread, or zuccini bread. (Is it really spelled zucchini?) Then they are fabulous! So I guess if someone made butternut squash pie or bread, I would probably like it.

  19. I’m thankful for my friends and family, obviously, and also that my betta fish has lived for almost an entire month now. The one I had before died after being home with me for a day, so this is quite the accomplishment. :o)

  20. I LOVE butternut squash… when it’s prepared right! Tiny cubes of it roasted with rosemary and olive oil? Yes. Baked into a pie? Yes. With marshmallows? Uhh, no. πŸ™‚

  21. I’m thankful for the roof on my head and a beautiful healthy daughter. All these things most people take for granted. And a supportive family.

  22. I’m not into squash. Nothing to like about it. Not the taste, neither the texture. Non. Unless you hide it in a bread, I won’t be eating it πŸ™

  23. Butternut squash is eh. I’m not crazy about it, but I don’t hate it either. I’ve never been much of a squash person because I don’t like it when things are too squishy/mushy (it’s a texture thing). I’m far more fond of sweet potatoes.

  24. I’m thankful for my family, my friends, and for school. I’m going to graduate school soon and I’m thankful for all the opportunities that I’ve been given and all the possibilities that stand before me.

  25. I am very thankful for my health, my children, a roof over my head, and financial aid to pay for college! I am also thankful for my family and my wonderful friends.

  26. I am very thankful for having a job right now, I am also thankful for the health of my family and friends. and dog. πŸ™‚

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  27. I am thankful for my dog, ROFL. He is a beautiful chocolate boston terrier that came into my life three months ago and we are now the best of friends.

  28. I am blessed no matter what my situation is or has been, I always look at the blessings I have. Family, Food and Fun is all I require through out the holidays as well as the rest of the year.

  29. I am thankful that my husband and I are in good health and that our children and grandkids live close by

  30. I’m kind of in the middle with butternut squash. I tried Campbell’s Butternut Squash soup and hated it, it was disgusting. Yet I made the squash and baked it with sugar and it was tasty.

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