It’s Snowing… Again!

Greetings Kids 🙂
It’s been quite the winter here in New England! Thought you might like to see a few photos. (Click them to enlarge.)


The morning view out our back door has frequently been this….


Followed by a LOT of this…..

Snow2 2015

Our daughter lives in the city, where there is less space to pile up the snow, so the street-end of her driveway looked like this!

Snow1a 2015

This year, with a record-breaking 108.6 inches of snow, we’ve never been more aware of Mother Nature’s power . . .

not to mention her breathtaking beauty!!!





I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀


Around here, it’s been a while since we had a weekday snowstorm large enough that even Sir Beads had a “snow day” from work!

It’s a winter wonderland out there. 🙂

View From My Kitchen Window

What a gift it is to have a day with no formal schedule besides jumping up every so often to peek out the window and watch Mother Nature frost the trees with fluffy icing.


During the afternoon, there was time for a little crafting along with the snow shoveling. Suddenly, I had the idea to look for “old” snow photos and I found a couple to show you…

Here I am with my oldest daughter in 1978. At that very moment, I was 9 months pregnant with her younger sister!

And here in the mid-1980’s is that aforementioned younger sister, whose motto has always been: If life gives you snow – make a snowman! (In this case, a “snow dino”!) 😉

It’s going to be Laziti here for supper, tonight.

Nothing like the warmth of pasta on a snowy evening!

Snuggle up!

