Door Decor

I love the look of a home with a decorated front door.

It’s not only attractive – it’s an expression of “Welcome”, too.

Have you ever seen something really creative and then asked yourself:

“Why didn’t I think of that?”

I sure have. Here, let me show you my latest example . . .


Wouldn’t this be a fun way to greet your summertime guests?

A length of hose, some garden gloves, a few flowers, and a little bird combine to make a unique and very charming wreath!

All credit goes to Amy (and her Mom). You’ll find a short tutorial for putting this wreath together on her blog.



I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Click the envelope to leave a comment or to read what the other kids are saying! 😀

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I am a woman;

therefore, I LOVE a bargain!

Especially when that bargain is cute, cute, cute! 😀

A few weeks ago, I bumped into these little “summer” frames on the clearance aisle.

They’re flip-flops!!! I fell in love. 😉

I decided to put some summer photos in them. It wasn’t easy because the openings are so tiny, but after some finagling with the scanner, I printed a few cropped pictures from summers of long ago!

Daughter #1

Daughter #2

Sir Beads and me, circa 1972 BC (before children)

OK, no laughing!!! We weren’t true “hippies” but with his beard and my flower-child dress, we certainly looked the part. lol


It’s gonna be fun to have this summery trio on display for the season!

Do you also love bargains?
