Roses Are Red . . . Iris are Blue, Purple, Yellow . . .

The iris has always been one of my very favorite flowers, so my daughter knew I’d love this photo of her in a whole garden of them! πŸ™‚

click to enlarge

The variety! The colors!

Spectacular, don’t you think? πŸ˜‰




Roses Are Red . . . Iris are Blue, Purple, Yellow . . . — 9 Comments

  1. Absolutely gorgeous. Your daughter must have a green thumb.

    I love tulips and one of these days I want to go to the tulip festival in Pella, Iowa.

    I have good news. Artie our newly adopted dog passed his temperment test last weekend and I will begin Therapy dog training. That way he can visit hospitals and nursing homes with brother, Kouga.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

  2. She looks beautiful…..and so do the flowers. I have a nice crop of dark purple ones. They are now in bloom. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Nice photo. Oh, the flowers are nice, too! We have a couple of iris’s in our garden, just wish the blooms lasted a little longer.

    Artie must be quite the dog. We have three wonderful granddogs that are fun to be around. Our daughter operates a dog training business, so it was nice to hear Kelly’s story.

    It was nice to see the last contest entries by the way. Very creative.

  4. Crystal, your daughter is beautiful!

    I love the photo! I’ve got some Iris’s in my backyard garden. They’re a deep purple color. I just wish they would bloom all Summer.

    Happy Friday! πŸ™‚

  5. Hello Dear Girl!!! πŸ˜€

    That’s a great photo, Crystal. Your daughter is as lovely as those beautiful irises! Have a happy weekend!

    xo Paulette

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