Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I am a woman;

therefore, I LOVE a bargain!

Especially when that bargain is cute, cute, cute! 😀

A few weeks ago, I bumped into these little “summer” frames on the clearance aisle.

They’re flip-flops!!! I fell in love. 😉

I decided to put some summer photos in them. It wasn’t easy because the openings are so tiny, but after some finagling with the scanner, I printed a few cropped pictures from summers of long ago!

Daughter #1

Daughter #2

Sir Beads and me, circa 1972 BC (before children)

OK, no laughing!!! We weren’t true “hippies” but with his beard and my flower-child dress, we certainly looked the part. lol


It’s gonna be fun to have this summery trio on display for the season!

Do you also love bargains?



Girls Just Wanna Have Fun — 8 Comments

  1. Oh, I love that picture of you two! So sweet!!! And the patriotic sandals!!!

    The frames are so cute — who would have ever thought to make flip-flop frames!

  2. To be hippies, you need a tie dye dress or a sunflower dress and long straggly straight hair! But your hubby…… LOL, My husband had the hippie look when we got married – long sideburns! Too funny.

    The frames are adorable! And the couple in them are too.

  3. oooh yes i love bargains:)We check flyers,check stores that match prices even collect airmiles to get free stuff.
    plus of course i enter contests to try and win the things we cant afford lol.

  4. I love a bargain too. Yesterday I was thrilled because the Pillsbury prize package I won showed up. The plates are in the shape of pizza slices and they are adorable. It doesn’t take much to make me happy. I sign up for free birthday deals too.

    The flip flop frames are so cute and I like the photos you chose to go into them.

  5. oh my gosh those picture frames are SO CUTE. I was really confused when I was looking at the picture at first – I was thinking those flip flops are so cute but so oddly proportioned. Then I looked further down and saw a picture and thought wow they come with personalized soles. THen I realized it was a picture frame! LOL

  6. I started to read your first sentence…I read I am woman…I thought the next few words would be hear me roar!! I am feeling goofy tonight ~lol~

    These frames are just too cute. I love flip flops and the neat pics you put in them.

    xx, Carol

  7. My sister loves to wear flip flops and has a lot of collectible flip flops!
    These frames would be great for her…..Thanks, Cindi

  8. Crystal…Now I just loved this…the frames are adorable, but you guys are all just sooo cute! The girls are little sweetie faces, and Sir Beads…my, my, look at him holding you just like Prince Charming! An you my sweet Crystal, are so adorable. You both look so in love! xoxo Paulette 😉

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